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Towards Home Gallery Show – the Art of Gary Ernest Smith
Crossroads Carnegie Art Center 2020 Auburn Avenue, Baker CityJourney Towards Home to Baker City, Oregon, for the final gallery show of Nationally known Western artist Gary Ernest Smith - a native of Baker City. Crossroads Carnegie Art Center will host Smith's six-week final gallery show, honoring his 6-decade career as one of the premiere artists of the American West.
unWINEd Wine Walk – Baker City Downtown
Downtown Baker City Baker CityRaise a glass & raise some funds! Baker City Downtown hosts a wine walk starting at Hatch/Launchpad Baker (2019 Main Street) on the third Thursday, every month. A $12 donation…
Pirates of Penzance – Presented by Eastern Oregon Regional Theatre
Eastern Oregon Regional Theatre 2101 Main Street, Baker CityA classic Gilbert & Sullivan musical about Frederic, who has spent his formative years as a junior pirate, plans to make his 21st birthday by breaking free from the Pirate…