Halfway Crab Feed

Halfway Lions Club House 235 Lion St, Halfway, OR

The 55th Halfway Lions Club Crab Feed Tickets are available from: Halfway Feed & Seed Halfway Sober Ryder Brothers in Baker City Dick Crow, 541-742-6192 or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope and $55 per ticket to: Halfway Lions, PO Box 441, Halfway, Oregon 97834


56th Annual Halfway Lions Club Crab Feed

Halfway Lions Club House 235 Lion St, Halfway, OR

The annual Halfway Crab Feed is just $60 for all-you-can-eat! Ages 10 and under eat for free. Buy your tickets at Halfway Feed & Seed, Halfway Sober or Ryder Brothers in Baker City, or send $60 per person in a self-addressed and stamped envelope to Halfway Lions, Box 441, Halfway, Oregon 97834 ore order online…
