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Sumpter Fourth of July Flea Market

Sumpter, Oregon 101 Sawmill Gulch, Sumpter

Make the historic town of Sumpter, Oregon, part of your Fourth of July weekend entertainment. The popular Sumpter Flea Market features food, crafts, antiques and collectibles, art, books, farm implements…

Haines Stampede Rodeo & Fourth of July

Haines Stampede Rodeo Arena 45833 Hwy 30, Haines

This little town puts on a BIG celebration! The Haines Stampede Rodeo takes place July 3rd & 4th, with a parade and fireworks part of the festivities. Join the community…

Halfway Fourth of July

Pine Valley Fairgrounds, Halfway Oregon 140 Fairgrounds Road,, Halfway

The community of Halfway, Oregon, is hosting a Fourth of July celebration with all the traditional Fourth of July activities and more! And, they are inviting you to come join…